
Tomohiro Kuroda

Tomohiro Kuroda

Professor Tomohiro Kuroda is the director of Division of Medical Information Technology and Administrative Planning (Chief Information Office) of Kyoto University Hospital, Japan, where he also serves as the director of the center for Digital Transformation of Healthcare and the professor of medical informatics in the graduate school of medicine and the graduate school of informatics. His current research interests include Human Interface, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Wearable/Ubiquitous Computing, and Medical/Assistive informatics. He is the president of JSMBE, and of the University Hospital CIO Association of Japan, and a board member of JAMI, and a member of IEEE, ISVR, VRSJ, HISJ and others. 

Flavio Esposito

Flavio Esposito

Flavio Esposito is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and a Fellow of the Research Institute at Saint Louis University (SLU) in St.Louis, MO (USA). He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Boston University in 2013, and his MS in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Florence, Italy. Prior to joining SLU, Flavio worked as a software engineer in high-frequency trading and telco companies, e.g., Bell Laboratories, NJ, at Raytheon BBN Technologies, MA. He was also a visiting researcher at the Center for Wireless Communications in Oulu, Finland. Most of Flavio’s current research centers on cyber-physical systems, (wireless) networked systems, and AI/ML applied to several disciplines, such as agriculture and healthcare.

Christian Nøhr

Christian Nøhr is a Professor at Aalborg University, Denmark. Professor Nøhr has also been working in the University of Southern Denmark. His research interests seek to health informatics and health care, and he has published a lot of user experience of electronic health record systems. He is the past President of the Nordic eHealth Research Network. He is also the main organizer of the Danish eHealth Observatory -conference.

Jeppe Eriksen

Jeppe Eriksen is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Planning at the Aalborg University, Denmark. His research interests seek to health technology research, patient reported outcomes, and electronic patient-reported outcomes. His latest publication deals with citizens’ experiences of digital health services. Dr. Eriksen is the current president of the Danish Society of Digital Health.

Gillian Vesty

Gillian Vesty

Gillian Vesty is a Professor and Deputy Dean L&T in the School of Accounting, Information Systems and Supply Chain at RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia. She is a member of CPA Australia, a Board Member of IMA ANZ chapter. Her research interests seek to align management accounting’s performance evaluation and strategic budgeting with social impact research that address health and wellbeing challenges from an environmental and value-based healthcare perspective. Dr. Vesty is also an active Board Member of Games for Change, Asia Pacific, fostering the nexus between simulated artefacts in the form of serious games to provide a powerful vehicle for ongoing experimental research. She is on the editorial board of Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal. 

Helen Monkman

Dr. Helen Monkman is an Assistant Professor and the Undergraduate Advisor in the School of Health Information Science at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada. Helen’s research focusses on topics related to human factors (e.g., digital health literacy) and user experience. Her mission is to improve consumer health information systems by making them more usable and the content more understandable. Through her work, she seeks to empower people and help them make informed health decisions as well as have better conversations with their health care providers.  

Katri Kontio

Katri Kontio

Katri Kontio is a Regional Advisor in Health Information and Digital Health in the Pan American Health Organization. Her research interests seek to information management and digital health initiatives to address healthcare disparities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Doctoral Researcher Kontio played a pivotal role as a member of the COVID-19 task force, contributing her expertise to surveillance, telehealth and digital enhanced outbreak data management, particularly in the Pacific region.

Vivian Vimarlund

Vivian Vimarlund

Vivian Vimarlund is a Professor Emerita in Informatics at the School of Engineering and Technology, in Linköping University, Sweden. She has conducted research since 1994 within the area of Health Informatics with special focus on issues such as: a) eHealth b) Methods and models to evaluate the impact of the implementation and use of eHealth innovations. Her current research focus is on how to develop sustainable ecosystems and two-sided e-health markets with special focus on the necessity of creating strategies, developing policies and innovative business models that sustain this type of markets.

Rune Pedersen

Rune Pedersen

Rune Pedersen is a department manager and senior researcher at Norwegian Centre for E-health Research. He is also an Associate Professor in the UiT Arctic University of Norway. His research interests seek to the development of holistic clinical patient journeys by using heterogeneous interoperable EPR systems.

Sabine Koch

Sabine Koch is the Strategic Professor of Health Informatics at Karolinska Institutet and the Director of the Health Informatics Centre at the LIME, the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Sweden. Her research interests seek to medical informatics and human-computer interaction to enhance decision making. Dr. Koch is also a Past President of the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA), Editor-in-Chief of Methods of Information in Medicine, Associate Editor of Applied Clinical Informatics, and Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Medical Informatics.

Kristina Mikkonen

Kristina Mikkonen

Kristina Mikkonen is a professor in health sciences, leading a research group in Healthcare Education & Competence. Her research interests are in Hybrid intelligence (XR and AI solutions) and its effects on the healthcare staff, students and educators’ competence development and well-being. She is well known in research of learning environments and mentoring with special focus on cultural and linguistic diversity in healthcare education and workforce integration. She has published 129 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, 20 book chapters, editor in 2 books, and 36 publications intended for the general public. Her global expertise is recognised through her visiting professorship roles in Japan, Osaka University and Slovenia, Faculty of Nursing in Celje, and her advisory positions in Finnish ministries (OKM, STM). She is an Editor in Nurse Education Today international journal. 

Elmar Kotter

Elmar Kotter

Professor Dr. Elmar Kotter is the Head of Imaging Informatics in the Department of Radiology at Freiburg University Medical Center in Germany. Dr. Kotter is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Freiburg University and the author or co-author of more than 70 peer-reviewed papers. Dr. Kotter is past-chair of the eHealth and Informatics subcommittee of the European Society of Radiology and Past-President of the European Society of Imaging Informatics (EuSoMII).

Arild Faxwaag

Arild Faxwaag

Arild Faxvaag is a professor in Health informatics. His research is centered around understanding how health professionals and patients utilize knowledge to analyse and solve health problems and around using this insight to develop IT-solutions that enables patients, personnel, institutions and governments to realize knowledge-based care in a safe, effective, equal and more sustainable way. Arild Faxvaag is also a senior advisor at Department of medicine and analysis, Helseplattformen A/S.

Gudrun Audur Hardardottir

Gudrun Hardardottir is a Project Manager at the National Centre for eHealth in Iceland. Her research interests seek to the development and implementation of national digital health solutions including the ePrescription system, the National Citizen Health Portal, and the National Electronic Health Record. Dr. Hardardottir is also the coordinator of the National Contact Point for eHealth and the Patient Summary in Iceland. She serves on several eHealth committees, both domestically and internationally. 

Ilkka Korhonen

Ilkka K. Korhonen

Ilkka Korhonen is currently an Adjunct Professor in Faculty of Biomedicine and Health, Tampere University, Finland, and SW Engineering Manager in Parameters & Wearables organisation at GE HealthCare Finland. He has more than 30 years of expertise in HealthTech, wearables, algorithms and sensing technology, research and translating research into products, partner relations, and business development. His research interests seek to personal health systems, eHealth/mHealth, biosignal interpretation, health monitoring, and wearable health sensors, and decision making based on sensor data in critical care and anesthesia. Dr. Korhonen has been CTO and co-founder of PulseOn Oy, CTO of Firstbeat Technologies, Clinical Algorithm Lead at Meta Platforms Inc, and Senior Manager at Nokia Wellness Business Program, as well as served at VTT in various positions from Research Manager and Research Professor to Principle Research Scientist, and hold a professorship at Tampere University of Technology. 

Joan Condell

Joan Condell

Joan Condell is a Professor in the Intelligent Systems Research Centre at the Ulster University, Ireland. She is a senior fellow of the Centre for Higher Education Research and Practice at Ulster and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Her research interests seek to digital intelligent and imaging technologies in security, wearables, energy and associated application areas. Dr. Condell was awarded a Distinguished Teaching and Learning Fellowship in 2011, regularly has External Examiner positions in UK and Ireland in teaching and research and is also a member of the Royal Irish Academy Engineering committee. She regularly sits on funding review panels for the UK Research Councils, the Irish Research Council, Innovate UK and UK Research and Innovation. 

Claudia Lindner

Claudia Lindner

Claudia Lindner is currently a Sir Henry Dale Fellow and Senior Research Fellow in the Division of Informatics, Imaging & Data Sciences at the University of Manchester. Her research interests seek to the automated analysis of medical images to study, diagnose and manage musculoskeletal disorders. Dr. Linder uses methods from computer vision, machine learning and data science to develop accurate systems for outlining and analyzing structures in widely used medical images such as radiographs.

Mika Nevalainen

Mika Nevalainen

Mika Nevalainen acts as an Associate Professor of Radiology and fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologist at University of Oulu and Oulu University Hospital. Dr. Nevalainen has obtained in-depth musculoskeletal experience in Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, USA. He has published 62 scientific papers, conference abstracts and review articles, and given multiple scientific speeches in international radiologic meetings (RSNA, ECR, NCR). His current research endeavors focus on the implementation of synthetic MRI – produced via Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting and Deep Learning techniques – to the clinical workflow, and on implementation of commercial Deep Learning approaches to the detection of traumas and osteoarthritis on conventional radiographs.

Jochen Klucken

Jochen Klucken

Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Klucken is a neurologist, neuroscientist, full professor and the FNR-PEARL Chair of Digital Medicine and head of the Digital Medicine research group (dMed) at the LCSB (Luxembourg Center for Systems Biomedicine) of the University of Luxembourg, the LIH (Luxembourg Institute of Health) and the CHL (Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg). Prof. Klucken`s research focuses on I) shaping and innovating personalised digital healthcare solutions, and II) evaluating the medico-socio-economic benefit of new digital medical devices and services. Prof. Klucken is also co-leading as a rapporteur the EU taskforce for harmonized Evaluation of digital medical devices with a strong focus on Digital Medical Devices and their innovative clinical evaluation frameworks. He has a broad experiences with start-ups, public and private clinical research requirements for innovative healthcare technologies as sustainable data-driven healthcare services.

Janne Martikainen

Janne Martikainen

Janne Martikainen is a health economist and professor of pharmacoeconomics at the University of Eastern Finland. He is also the head of the House of Effectiveness at University of Eastern Finland. His research interests seek to health economic evaluation and outcomes research on the prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic diseases and memory disorders by using different computational methods and multiple data sources, including electronic health records, genomic, survey, and other real-world data. Dr. Martikainen was participating in the establishment of the Finnish national centre for social and health care effectiveness, which has started its operations in 2023. 

Lorenzo Mucchi

Lorenzo Mucchi

Lorenzo Mucchi is an Associate Professor and Research Scientist in the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Florence, Italy. He received the Dr. Eng. Degree (Laurea) in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Florence (Italy) in 1998 and the Ph.D. in Telecommunications and Information Society in 2001. His research interests seek to theoretical modelling, algorithm design and real measurements in physical-layer security, visible light communications, spread spectrum techniques, localization, body area networks, biometric encryption, molecular communications, diversity techniques and interference management. Dr. Mucchi is the chair of the European Telecommunications Standard Institute, Smart Body Area Network group, and team leader of the special task force 511 “SmartBAN Performance and Coexistence Verification”.

Michiel Sweerts

Michiel Sweerts

Michiel Sweerts has been Head of Sector for Research in the eHealth, Well-being and Ageing unit of DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology at the European Commission since 2022. He joined the Commission in 2020 and was an integral part of the core team that established the EU Digital Covid Certificate. Prior to joining the Commission, he worked at the European Court of Auditors, leading performance audit teams across a range of policy areas, including most recently in the field of cybersecurity. Michiel also worked in the private sector in the UK and Belgium in both assurance and audit, as well as regulatory affairs, respectively.

Pasi Eskola

Pasi Eskola

Pasi Eskola serves as the Chief Medical Administrator at the Wellbeing Services County of North Ostrobothnia and as an Assistant Professor of General Practice and Family Medicine at the University of Oulu. Representing an area and an institution at the forefront of healthcare digitalization in Finland, in his invited speech, he will discuss the strategic digital transformations undertaken by the North Ostrobothnia region and the University of Oulu. He will also highlight the unique characteristics of the region that have enabled innovative approaches to integrating digital technologies into healthcare systems, enhancing patient care and operational efficiency.

Patricia Mechael

Patricia Mechael

Dr. Patricia (Patty) Mechael is a Senior Associate Professor in the Department of International Health in the Center for Global Digital Health Innovation at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is also co-founder and CEO at health.enabled, a global non-profit focused on improving health in low- and middle-income countries through equity-focused digital health transformation and AI. She leads the Global Digital Health Monitor, a web-based platform to measure and monitor digital health maturity at the country level. Dr. Mechael has a PhD from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a Masters in Health Science from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.

Lena Kan

Lena Kan

Lena Kan is a Research Associate in the Department of International Health in the Center for Global Digital Health Innovation at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Her research focus primarily lies in the intersection of digital technology and health systems, with a particular emphasis on maternal, neonatal, and child health (MNCH) and PHC. She has extensive experience in the management, implementation, monitoring, analysis, and evaluation of large-scale digital interventions across multiple contexts, in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, and Kenya.